Hi! Fiji Wotr here. Hope you are doin' well.
Now, before any reviews start streaming out, I just wanted to make another quick post here because over the last couple months, I put together a lot of different information regarding onaholes. Lots of people think they are the hallmarks of forever alonliness, some people think they are neat, and some people swear they are as good or even better than the real deal! But before any opinions go flying:
Onaholes are male* masturbators made mainly by Japanese manufacturers.
What are Onaholes?
As dildos are for vaginas/asshole, onaholes are to dicks. They are the Japanese equivalent of the US-made Fleshlight, though they don't come usually come with a hard plastic cover(that is a whole subsection of onaholes, but not the majority in variety). Some are themed after fantasies, like schoolgirls or office romance, and some are themed after real porn actresses.
They can come in a variety of sizes ranging from an EXPO marker to full body, and they can come in a variety of softness and hardness as well. All in all, onaholes are basically just a tool that can enhance the experience of masturbation. *Technically, females can use onaholes to masturbate, but the inside experience is lost, which also tends to be the main focus of most onaholes. I have yet to see more than one onahole with female pleasure in mind, but until there is a definitive line, I'll say they are more geared towards a male audience.
What kinds of onaholes are out there?
There are a few major categories of onaholes:
"Handhelds" are the most prevalent. They are usually a bit smaller than your standard water bottle, so they are usually held in your hand. You can squeeze them for a tighter fit, go fast or slow, and more. They are small, easy to clean, and offer you some serious bang for your buck because nearly all of them last forever. Just be careful with them, because some of the smaller ones can rip/fall apart in your hand if you go too fast or hard. They can range from simple tubes with a textured inside, to a more natural, suave blob with a natural looking entrance, to a scaled down torso. They also come in both "open hole" and "closed hole" products, where open hole allows the semen to spurt into the air and closed hole holds your semen inside until you clean it out.
"Cups" are a very popular cousin of "handhelds," offering similar experience to Fleshlights, but are sometimes only single use. These include known lines like the Tenga cups. They come in a hard outer shell with a soft inside. They are also the only ones with electronic options for an enhanced experience(and if you can afford it). "Hips" are "handhelds" in a larger form factor since it usually includes the ass. There is sometimes an anal option, or ONLY an anal option, but experience can range from one product to another. These are often more expensive than the two types above, but offer more in return, though experience varies.
"FULL SIZE" or just "Sex Dolls" are more than "hips." Being the most expensive category, it is also the largest line of onaholes. Sometimes they are just torsos or a pair of legs with a pussy, and other times they are scaled or to-scale full bodies. They often include both vaginal and anal options, and torsos actually have sizeable tits. These cost hundreds to thousands of dollars, so these are the price premiums of all onaholes.
Within each category, there are a few major genres:
The "Meiki" genre are usually of very high quality, in terms of material, molding patterns, and presentation. They are also often modeled after real Japanese porn actresses. They offer a very realistic experience(minus body warmth). No weird or unexpected sensations. With the right lube, they most definitely feel better than rubbing one out with your hand with some skin lotion. Almost all are "handheld" with only a few exceptions.
(I have named the next to categories on my own)
The "Real" Genre are also of very high quality and are also themed after porn actresses, but these particular models also have some unconventional features that stray from the realism "Meiki" provides. Instead of sticking to a very realistic mold, which may have erratic patterns and textures, these simply look realistic(and in some cases not realistic at all), on the outside and sport a slightly more industrial pattern on the inside. This means that, though some features are still realistic, you may see helices, regular patterns, etc. They still offer a relatively realistic experience, but not as real as "Meiki." These have hold in both "handheld" and "cups," but nothing past that. The "Fantasy" genre has its own spectrum, ranging from recreating your first love in your teenage years to the insides of a futuristic battleship(?!). These offer less realistic experiences, but they are interesting experiences nonetheless. Because of the relative freedom of design this genre has, these are also some of the cheapest onaholes one can buy as well as the ones with the most gimmicks and features. These stretch across all categories of onahole, but there are more in "handheld" than any other category.
What are onaholes made of?
These come in a few materials: TPE/R, Silicone, and PVC. TPE is the most common material used to make onaholes. The material itself is springy and smooth, slightly porous, and can be molded to have different texures, from smooth skin to slick or rough insides. The porous nature of TPE does mean that this needs to be cared for regularly, preferably with specialized tools like drying sticks, baby/corn/special onahole powder, etc. But if you can take care of TPE onaholes regularly and use them as they were designed to, you can expect them to last years and years before you need a replacement, in which case you can probably get a better onahole anyway. TPR is the harder version of TPE, but otherwise retains all of TPE's features. TPE/R are also biodegradable!(It'll take a while, but it should break down naturally.(I did a test with one I was throwing away, and a TPE onahole was already falling apart from the elements within days. I expect the onahole to be compostable material within a month, which is pretty cool.)) There are a few silicone onaholes, but they offer a much more durable product, at least more durable than TPE/R. These are much tougher too, so it can be a bit rough for some. These are NOT biodegradable. PVC is an older material and is rarely used these days, and for good reason. PVC can leach chemicals and react badly with hot environments. I can go on about why PVC for onaholes is a very bad idea, but you will probably never see one, so I'll end it about PVC with DON'T BUY PVC ONAHOLES.
Should I buy an onahole?
I will answer this with a few FAQs: Is it REALLY better than my hand? Yes. A million times, yes. Especially if you choose the right one. Just make sure to use water-based lube and not lotion because it can cause the onahole to degrade faster over time.
Aren't they expensive?
Onaholes have a price range from 5 dollars(cost of a cup of coffee) to over a thousand dollars(a large TV or even a down payment on a car), but of course price does not mean quality. In my experience, the best quality onaholes actually come in the 20-30 dollar price range. Any lower and you run the risk getting a subpar product, and any more spent means diminishing returns. But you should get one you can really afford. If you cannot afford even a 5 dollar onahole, stick to your hand until you can.
Are there any safety concerns I should be aware about?
I'd say the only major ones are: Don't get too excited. Jam your member in at the wrong angle and we are talking snapped dicks.
Clean. Your. Onahole! This is not a real vagina that can self-clean. If you do not clean, you can end up getting terrible infections both on your skin and in your urethra. Unless you are into unsanitary play and don't care for the longevity of your onahole, clean that fake pussy.
You say a lot about cleaning one's onahole. What can I clean it with? Warm soap and water, and you can disinfect it with some isopropyl. If you can get your hands on it, get a drying stick to also dry the insides and prevent mold growth. After that, dust the outside with baby powder to prevent the "skin" from breaking down and getting too sticky.
What would my friends and family think of me if they find out I've been using an onahole?
If you are concerned about how others would see you with it, hide it in a bag in a place no one looks. I imagine the experience of getting caught with an onahole being very similar to being caught masturbating with your hand: awkward for a few days, and returning to normal after not mentioning it again. So just use it when you are alone(as you should when you are masturbating), keep it out of sight, and you will be alright. If you wear an OtonaJP shirt out in public or something, you can't really blame anyone but yourself if people find out you like onaholes.
So far, this has been a GENERAL look at onaholes. From the looks of it, there is a lot more to unpack, like companies and such, but that will come later. For now, I have bought enough onaholes to last well into the next year and provide regular reviews and updates. In fact, we will be revisiting some and comparing them with their counterparts(?)! There may even be the return of a now discontinued product for a proper review... but even if that does not happen, there will be plenty of content to come! (Teaser: Battle of the Sisters(Redux), Battle of the Sisters: Deus Ex Machina, Battle of the Sisters: Demoncore. (More to come...)) That's it for me today, stay healthy and happy! Fiji Wotr