Product Specs/TLDR
Name: Oshikake JK Idol
Weight (in-hand): ~120 grams
Type: Onahole, Closed-hole
Senses: Like Jello, falling apart(1), Smoother,"Shirt Sleeves"(2), Barely Trying(1)
Oof. This was one easy yet tough review to do. I chose this particular onahole for its price, and its insides, which look pretty monotonous if you ask me:

It's clearly obvious that its just an alternating ribbed star pattern, but its price was hard to beat. And since it had no other reviews, I decided to give it a try. This is a small one. I mean REALLY small.

And even from the get-go, I knew this wasn't a very good onahole. It was too soft to the touch, almost like my fingers were going to go through it. But I decided to still go through with it, for the sake of the review.
I put my member through its lubed hole, and I felt... nothing. Er, close to nothing. I felt that I was indeed inside something, but it didn't feel like much. It was very much like putting your dick in water. I tried slow, fast, soft pumps, hard pumps, but no combination really yielded any feeling. It was soft to a fault, the patterns were basically there for decoration, and I actually could not finish. Even after 5 tries, I only got close, but never did. I didn't expect much from a cheap onahole, but this took it down a notch.
The Oshikake JK Idol is a cheap onahole that leaves you with an even cheaper experience. Unless you are into very very soft onaholes and your member is sensitive, please reconsider. 1/10.